The Best Books About Saint John Climacus and His Writings

Orthodox Christianity 101
By Orthodoxy Christianity 101
August 22, 2024

Saint John Climacus, also known as John of the Ladder, was a 7th-century Christian monk who is revered for his profound spiritual wisdom and his most famous work, The Ladder of Divine Ascent. This treatise remains one of the most influential texts in Orthodox Christian spirituality, guiding countless faithful on their journey toward spiritual perfection. Here are key books that explore his life and teachings, including his own writings.

The Ladder of Divine Ascent

By: Saint John Climacus

The Ladder of Divine Ascent is the cornerstone of Saint John Climacus’ legacy. This spiritual classic outlines thirty steps, or “rungs,” representing the virtues that lead the soul to God. Originally written for monastics, it is now widely read by both clergy and laypeople. The book uses vivid metaphors to guide readers in their spiritual journey, focusing on self-denial, humility, prayer, and love as the paths to divine union. It remains an essential text for anyone serious about deepening their spiritual life.

Ladder of Divine Ascent, Revised Edition

Saint John Climacus, sixth century abbot of Sinai, compared the spiritual life to a ladder of thirty steps, and explained in detail the challenges presented by each of those steps. This spiritual classic has brought inspiration and edification to every generation since that time. Read every year during Great Lent in monastic refectories, this book has been treasured by both monastics and laymen


Saint John Climacus, through his timeless work The Ladder of Divine Ascent, offers a profound guide for anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual life and ascend toward God. His teachings, though originally intended for monastics, resonate with all who desire to live a life of virtue and self-discipline. The books highlighted in this article provide valuable insights into his life and wisdom, making them essential reading for anyone looking to understand the spiritual legacy of this revered saint. Whether you are just beginning your spiritual journey or seeking to advance further, the writings of Saint John Climacus serve as a steadfast guide on the path to divine union.

If you want to learn more about this Saint, you can

find more information here.

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